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Between Two Worlds

Writer: spacetofeelingsspacetofeelings

I still love my puzzle games on my laptop. Yesterday after I finished building a puzzle, the name of the painting (or picture) appeared on the screen: "Between two worlds". The picture was a mystical scene in the woods, with a path dividing the trees. 

This picture and especially the name of the piece immediately let my mind wonder off. I thought about the name, "Between two worlds", and realized that we, the moms of angel children, also live between two worlds. Although we are still living on earth in the present time, we are constantly aware of and from time to time also tap into the unknown sphere of eternity. We talk to our angel children, receive signs from them, and sometimes even sense their presence. We are indeed sharing our awareness between two worlds.”~ Andelene, forever mom of Colleen.

I received this email from my dear friend and with her permission I will share some of my thoughts and feelings around what she describes. I often have it shown to me as the Hokey Pokey, where we can have one foot in and one foot out of parallel existences.

With each sunrise I awaken and ask to remain open, aware and give thanks for another day to unfold in the most amazing and even surprising of ways. I believe this practice has encouraged my mind to take a needed respite and to trust that I simply cannot know how my guidance and operating instructions may be delivered. A sign, as Andelene, mentions, sensing into their presence, which as my friend, Judy, often refers to as sometimes, a fly by. I love that, because it loosens the grip of buying into that it has to come in a certain way. It might be fleeting, in a dream/visit, a stroll in nature where everywhere we gaze upon, there they are. Using hummingbirds, snails, cardinals, geese, dragonflies, a feather, a license plate, a song, a number sequence, moving objects, playing with electronics suggest just a few of the creative ways the spirit world is trying to connect with us and capture our attention and awaken us out of a trance.

It is not delusional, nor wishful thinking, or living in denial to feel the presence of those no longer earth side. I envision bridges, open fields, mountain tops, stair cases, elevators whatever comes into our awareness as a portal in which to meet and receive one another.

When I am engaged in my mentoring calls as I prepare, I am calling in assistance. Setting the space for us with an intention of only the highest, most benevolent light beings to assist in whatever ways they can. Asking for the messages to come in so that they can be easily understood by the receiver with images, references to things that are familiar to them. It matters not if I do not understand because I trust that they will be able to make sense of what is being offered.

Each of us are able to tap into this intuitive gift that is our birthright and grow our relationships with those no longer earth side. This is the mystery, the unknown; if we can quiet ourselves and reflect. I am almost certain that most of us will recall instances where we knew, without any factual or viable explanation of how we did. Yet, we did and it was validated, accurate and bathed us in awe, perhaps a tear may accompany.

I choose to dwell within this thin space between both worlds. It does not distract me nor does it take me out of where my feet are planted. Quite the contrary as it keeps the door propped open, the curtains parted, so that I am benefitting from the wisdom and guidance of both worlds. I honor that this is my preference and certainly may not be yours. Yet, what I do hope is that an openness to this possibility may keep our curiosity piqued. There is nothing to lose, everything to gain and it’s on our timetable. Simply asking for the readiness may become our first step.



May 24, 2024

Love this. It’s beautifully written.

May 24, 2024
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Thank you❣️I so appreciate how we have shared our happenings through the years. It means the world to me.


May 23, 2024

A beautiful post, clearly describing my world. For me this is a natural way of life, but my relatives think I am crazy. So we each walk our own path in our own way. I never had a good relationship with my parents. Yet since my father passed away in 1995, I now have a good relationship with him. I sense that he now accepts me and loves me, and he was with me when Colleen passed away. He has his own unique sign when he is close to me: my necklace or bracelet will fall to the ground. Not broken, just miraculously opened. My loved ones who have passed, fill my life with peace.

May 23, 2024
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How wonderful to have your father come in like this. It delights me to know about the abundance of ways. I’m with you and we wish everyone on their path the highest and most comforting. 💜


May 23, 2024

Andelene asked if I could create a post about this topic. I adore suggestions so please reach out in a comment or email on what interests you and might we explore together. Andelene, please weigh in to add any of your insights, experiences and I open this forum to all my readers. We grow together in our sharing. 🙌🏼 Thank YOU, Andelene and Colleen, who makes her presence known to her mom in the most beautiful and meaningful of ways. You inspire me. 💕

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