“I am both the calm AND the storm, and I wield my power mindfully. I tap into my inner wisdom and I am successful in all of my endeavors. I now call upon the Divine to protect me and guide me through every moment, and I feel life open up for me. New possibilities, perspectives, and insights are everywhere! I see clearly and make excellent choices. I am living in abundance from this moment on. I am at peace. I am passionate. I am loving. And most of all, I am ALIVE. I am present. And I've got this. Amen.”
This mantra offered by Sarah Renee, most specifically her last sentence reminds me of something that Tosha Silver, recalls from time to time. When she was in her late twenties, early thirties she had complete adrenal failure which landed her literally in bed for three years. During that time fraught with trying every modality of healing, she stumbled upon a Buddhist thought form around the gift of a body.
In this reading it was stated that there are countless souls lining up who are waiting for a body, any kind of body. Needing and requiring one so that they are able to incarnate to learn what their soul is desiring, which can only be accomplished within a human form. In that instance, she said her own body, as gravely ill as she was experienced a deep, warm and tingly sensation which was a remembering and a recognition. No matter how discouraged, defeated and betrayed she felt within her body, she knew that she was being handed a choice to shift her perspective.
Tosha decided she had absolutely nothing to lose and embraced this Buddhist teaching. Slowly, she was finally led to an acupuncturist after trying countless healing modalities and began thanking her body for doing its best under incredibly challenging circumstances. Offering her amends as well for not always listening nor speaking to her as an intimidate, dear friend, or a beloved animal. Recognizing the gift that her vessel was and that they could choose to work together, rather than rage and rally against one another.
I must admit I have never thought of my own body in quite the same way after hearing her share this story years ago. It has encouraged me to care for her needs and has also allowed me to practice embodiment which has been a singular healing corner that I’ve been rounding. Dropping down within her numerous times a day and doing some needed inquiry. Our bodies understand how to communicate and try to get our attention with some major preemptive sensations. Thirst, hunger, being tired, the urge to get moving daily are those 101 body prompts naturally infused within us.
I am curious if we might experience differently these earthly vessels, our “me suits,” we have been gifted with when can remember that there exists a long line of souls waiting for one? I have felt transformed from the inside out regarding how I speak to and treat, and look after my gift of her. Even though I may feel frustration, discouragement, perhaps even despair at times; I am noticing how cathartic it is to slide into a reframe and recall that long waiting list. Choosing to step mindfully away from a loud, harsh and often untrue inner critic into a malleable softness of heartfelt and honest gratitude for the many miles we have clocked on this odometer of life.