Today is the day is what I keep hearing within myself. There is another healer on the island whom I deeply desire to connect with and we have spoken briefly over the phone several months ago, yet it’s time now. I will reach out and see if we can meet one another over coffee or tea.
We are currently in a potent portal of taking courageous steps towards living into our most empowered and authentic lives. I trust that this portal is always available to us.
I am at a crossroads with my practice and it is expanding. I am hoping to attract those who desire to take a very deep dive into living into their fullest expressions of themselves. I’m not everyone’s cup of tea as my mentor and I often laugh about, yet I hope that if you feel a nudge to reach out my way that you will.
I work not only with loss/bereavement yet with all of life’s big moments and currently I’m attracting a group of therapists who desire to be embodying more of an intuitive/channeling approach in mentoring sessions with their people.
My mentor and I have been actively engaged in clearing and opening up my channels. Feeling into and fully owning that I can do the “Hokey Pokey” with one foot in and one foot out so as to access the highest wisdom and healing path for you.
I do not give answers nor quick fixes as they reside uniquely within you, yet I have a plethora of tools to share. Many will be what I have been utilizing, yet the ones most useful are the ones which step forward just for you as we spend time together.
My practice is ever changing and it feels as if I’m on the precipice of something vibrant, exciting and new as well. Come join me as we companion one another and delve into our innate birthright of finding peace and freedom within, no matter what is happening outside of ourselves. Today is the day; how might we finish the rest of this sentence and move ourselves forward?