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What Stops Us?

Joanie Madsen

What stops us? Perhaps this is a very unique question for each of us and varies depending upon the circumstance, yet I am discovering some common themes.

Feelings of fear, may stop us.

Hearing the word, no, may stop us.

Believing the story line looping inside our heads, may stop us.

Imagining that if anyone really knew about ______, just fill in the blank with any jaw dropping scenario, may stop us.

Waiting until a better time in our lives, may stop us.

Believing that sometime in the future when life feels more settled, may stop us.

Languishing in our default mode that we always have tomorrow, may stop us.

Saying what we need to say in this now moment and feeling deeply vulnerable or that there will be another time, may stop us.

Feeling unable to be in the stillness, afraid of what may arise, may stop us.

Keeping busy, because that is what we have been taught and shown contributes to our worthiness, may stop us from slowing down and cultivating stillness.

Indifference to try because we have been fed the tonic that someone will always do it better, may stop us.

Expressing how we shine in the world and sharing our gifts and talents, may stop us, because it has been confused with a lack of humility.

Being a people pleaser, may stop us from aligning with and speaking our truth.

Living for years as an object of one’s life, rather than the subject, may stop us.

Feeling afraid to lay down our swords because we must be hyper vigilant and always on guard. Our swords, may stop us from allowing happiness and goodness to enter within.

Believing what others have told us of who they think we are, may stop us from embodying our true essence.

Internalizing generational trauma and wounding, may stop us.

Comparing our interior with another’s exterior, may stop us.

Believing in mistakes, may stop us, rather than embracing them as growth opportunities.

Accepting ageism, may stop us.

Feeling unlovable and not worthy to receive, may stop us.

I am envisioning an abundance of green lights as I explore, ramble and roam. When I encounter a red one, it's inviting a pause to engage in a necessary and needed pause for an inquiry. Now that is a red light worthy of my stopping for.

“The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it.” ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaja.



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